A0040A Optical Noise Analyzer is the industry first solution for evaluation of optical frequency noise of lasers as power spectrum density.

A0040A provides the analysis of 1/f noise, white noise, lorentzian linewidth of lasers of digital coherent transmission system.

A0040A enable detection of spurious noises caused by dither or EMI, which is necessary for ITLA development.

A0040A provides easy, stable and high-speed measurement with no reference laser source and no frequency tuning.

  1. Optical frequency noise captured as power spectrum density.
  2. 1/f noise, white noise and lorentzian linewidth analysis.
  3. High sensitivity < 1KHz line width measurement.
  4. Including conventional delayed Self-Heterodyne interferometer function.
Optical Wavelength nm1520 1620
Optical Frequency Noise Measurement Bandwidth12.5MHzHz5 12.5M
20MHz5 20M
80MHz5 80M
Optical Frequency Noise Sensitivity Hz2/Hz(@10MHz) 10 
A0040A English Brochure